If you are a homeowner, you take precautions to keep your home healthy and safe. Testing for radon helps ensure a healthy environment for you and your family. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after cigarettes, so it’s critical to test for unsafe levels in your home. Here are five facts every homeowner should know about radon in the home and its effects.

Radon in the Home is Colorless and Odorless

You may not suspect your home is contaminated with radon because it is a colorless, odorless gas that is undetectable to the senses. Radon is gradually released into the atmosphere naturally. However, when the gas becomes trapped inside a structure, such as a home, school, or other building, it becomes concentrated and affects our health.

Radon is a Naturally Occurring Gas

Radon gas results from the natural breakdown of uranium, thorium, and radium that occurs in groundwater, rocks, and soil. The radioactive particles seep up through gaps and cracks in buildings. Some areas of the country have greater amounts of radioactive materials in the soil and water, however, every part of the country is affected by radon.

Radon Exposure Causes Serious Health Effects

Radon is a known carcinogen. Breathing air contaminated with radon can lead to lung cancer. You may not have any symptoms from radon exposure until abnormalities in the lungs begin to cause problems, such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and a persistent cough.

Do You Have High Levels of Radon in the Home?

Professional testing of your home is the best way to learn if you have a problem with high radon gas levels. A home inspection company that provides this service will help you determine if you are at risk for health problems related to radon in the home.

Radon Mitigation Measures Make Your Home Safer & Healthier

Several steps can be taken to reduce the risk of exposure to radon. Seal gaps and cracks in the home’s foundation to help keep out radon gas. Active soil depressurization may be needed to lower radon levels in the home.

Testing for radon is one of the most important actions you can take to make your home safe. A reputable home inspector will test your property and can recommend radon mitigation contractors if your property tests high for this dangerous radioactive gas.

Reifsteck Home Inspections provides radon testing for homes in Champaign, Illinois, and the surrounding areas. January is National Radon Action Month, so there is no better time to have your home tested. Contact us to schedule an appointment.